
Game of Thrones: Blink and You Missed It; Gilly Says What?

As we get closer to the end of Game of Thrones‘ seventh season, it becomes increasingly difficult to focus on a particular moment because every moment is A MOMENT! Between Drogon letting Jon touch him, Gendry finally returning, Jaime and Tyrion coming face to face, and Jon creating the ultimate #SquadGoals to head beyond the wall, let’s focus on the not so obvious moments…
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Game of Thrones: Sansa Is Not Her Mother’s Lady Stark

These first 4 episodes of Season 7 have fed us Stark fans well! Bran and Arya both have made their way back to Winterfell and reunited with their sister, Sansa. While Jon is away, Lady Stark has been in charge and she’s doing a damn good job so far. She and Jon had some disagreements in the beginning, but let’s be honest, if Jon just had the good sense to discuss things with Sansa before announcing them to everyone, he would save himself (and us) a lot of headaches. Sansa is a character who went from “kill this bitch” to “protect her at all costs” over 7 seasons and she’s proven herself worthy of our devotion. This is a young woman who has gone through hell and back and is desperate for a real and true connection to someone. Even though she’s been with Jon a while, their disagreements and her not being so kind to him in the past, leaves her feeling lonely, until she sees Bran at the gates… click here to continue reading.

Game of Thrones: Lady Olenna, The Real OG of Westeros

HBO’s Game of Thrones delivered quite the satisfying episode on July 30, 2017. The Queen’s Justice (S7, Ep4) brought us the long awaited meeting of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, but for me the night was made by none other than the Original Gangster of Westeros, Lady Olenna Tyrell. Lady Olenna has long been a fan favorite, what with her witty comebacks and overall disdain for Cersei. Her classy and quiet manipulations are the opposite of Cersei’s brash behavior…. click here to continue reading
*Published July 31, 2017 TV Source Magazine

Game of Thrones: Arya’s Journey and [Spoilers] Return

Game of Thrones: Arya’s Journey and [Spoilers] Return


Sunday nights episode of Game of Thrones saw Arya reunited with Hot Pie while on her way to King’s Landing. Arya is a woman (yes I think we can stop referring to her as a girl now, she murdered an entire extended family) on a mission. Hell bent on revenge, Arya is trading baking tips with Hot Pie when he innocently questions why she isn’t headed north to Winterfell. Arya can’t imagine why he would ask such a thing, until he reveals that her brother Jon is now King in the North. Arya can’t drop her goblet fast enough and she’s out the door towards home.

Arya is headed for the Stark reunion we’ve all been waiting for, but not before a more unexpected reunion that comes in the form of her former Direwolf, Nymeria. Alone in the woods with her horse, Arya is surrounded by a pack of wolves being lead by a gigantic Direwolf. It doesn’t take Arya long to recognize this furry beauty as her own sweet pet, Nymeria. Hoping for a warm reunion, Arya pleads with Nymeria to come home with her. Nymeria stops snarling and gazes at her former family member before turning and leaving as if to say, I remember you, but this is my life now. Arya, hurt at first, steps back and wistfully watches Nymeria walk away, “no that isn’t you” she says, almost proudly.

This moment harkens back to season 1 when a much younger, unaffected Arya told her father that frilly dresses and castles with young Lords just wasn’t her. She recognizes in this moment that while all of this has been going on, Nymeria has made her own life. She has found her own pack. Perhaps, being someone’s pet was never for her.

In the books, the wolves play a much larger role than they do on the show. The showrunners have explained that apparently they’re too expensive to conjure up on tv? Butttt dragons… yeah, anyway, in the books, Arya and Jon have warg powers like Bran and often see through their wolves in their dreams. There are tales of a large pack of wolves killing off Stark enemies, like the Frey’s, led by Nymeria. A wolf killing Frey’s? Sound familiar? There is a reason each Stark child had a Direwolf and each wolf reflected their child. Nymeria, like Arya was thrust into a life of loneliness and fear. And like Arya, she found a way to make herself the strongest, the bravest, and the fiercest of the wolves.

Nymeria cannot go home with Arya, because a pet in Winterfell is a home that no longer fits her. One has to wonder if this is a reflection of Arya herself. After all she has been through alone, after everything she’s done, can she just go home? What will be there for her when she does? Arya has grown up so much, no longer the little girl she once was, now a Faceless Man and skilled assassin. Jon is having a tough time dealing with Sansa being grown, however will he manage Arya? Sansa, scarred by her experiences is no longer trusting, will she be able to connect with her sister? Perhaps, this journey home won’t bring Arya the warmth and happiness she’s wishing for. Perhaps, it no longer fits. Maybe, it’s not her.




Princess Leia redefined what it meant to be a Princess. No more leaving glass slippers behind, pining after a Prince, or being a prisoner in a tower. No. Leia was a badass. She was the leader of the Rebellion. She stood up for what she believed in and didn’t apologize for it. She chose to do things her way. She had Force power, but never chose to use it. She didn’t need it. And as she matured, she didn’t become anyone’s Queen. Hell I don’t even think she married Han. Wife? Nope. She remained an Organa. Never taking the Skywalker name, she made her own name. She became a fuckin General. The best role model to little girls everywhere. She showed us you can wear a dress and still take out some storm troopers. And you can trade that dress in for boots and a vest. Respected above any man in the Galaxy. Luke is just a “story” to the younguns of the Galaxy, but General Organa is a real life Legend. As was Carrie in real life. She went through so much in her life and she was unapologetically honest about it all. She tried to help others with the same afflictions. She was funny as hell. And not ashamed to be herself. Thank you for you, Carrie. Our Princess. Our General. Carrie is one with the Force. The Force is with Carrie. #RIPCarrieFisher